are more likely than non-Asians to suffer from a variety of illnesses,
including nasopharyngeal cancer, Brugada syndrome, and thyrotoxic periodic
paralysis. The genesis, biology, genetic predisposition, and uniqueness of
diseases in Asians are revealed by epidemiological data from healthcare
organizations and disease registries. Public health strategies and research
investment are guided by knowledge about diseases that are prevalent in Asia.
key definition of the Asian phenotype is the recognition of "qualitative
differences" in the way diseases manifest between Asians and non-Asians.
Since this phenotype most likely exists across a continuum of health and
disease, it is imperative to look into its potential causes and implications
for science and medicine.
native and migrant South Asians are at a significant risk of developing type 2
diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Asians are more likely than Caucasians to have
coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, and renal problems, and they
also have a lower BMI and a younger onset of type 2 diabetes.
It is estimated that 425 million
individuals globally, or 8.8% of adults aged 20 to 79, have diabetes. If the
age range is extended to 18–99 years, there are 451 million more persons with
diabetes. By 2045, 693 million people aged 18 to 99 or 629 million people aged
20 to 79 would have diabetes if these trends continue. In China alone, 121
million people suffer from diabetes, while 74 million people in India have the
Up to 212.4 million people worldwide,
or 50.0% of all individuals aged 20 to 79 with diabetes, are unaware that they
have the condition.The percentage of South East Asians with undiagnosed
diabetes is 57.6%. Diabetes is more common in Asia, where the majority of
diabetics are between the ages of 40 and 59, than in Europe, where the majority
of diabetics are over 60.
Asian populations have a high prevalence
of prediabetes and a more rapid progression to diabetes. 59% of
those with prediabetes converted to diabetes after a follow-up of 9.1 years.
of GDM in different countries, the IDF estimated that 16% of pregnancies
globally were affected by hyperglycemia in 2013, with a crude prevalence of 23.1%
in the South Asian region.
have higher risk for development of diabetes for the same level of body mass index
or waist circumference than their Caucasian counterparts, since they have
increased visceral fat Even in relatively lean subjects, Asians are more
insulin resistant than non-Asians with increased concentrations of free fatty
acids and inflammatory markers.
exhibit higher glucose excursion during oral glucose challenge, suggesting
lower beta cell function to overcome insulin resistance than non-Asians. These biological differences put
Asians at high risk of developing diabetes in the presence of external
stressors, such as obesity.
risk factors for T2DM have become of great concern among developing countries
in Asia. The increased prevalence of
diabetes is related to changes in dietary pattern, sedentary behavior, and obesity
superimposed on a background of genetic/epigenetic susceptibility.
of common clinical features in Asian populations with diabetes are given in
table 1 the so-called ‘Asian phenotypes’.
Low body mass index |
Increased body fat,
especially visceral fat |
High rate of central
obesity and metabolic syndrome |
Increased inflammatory
markers like TNF alfa,IL6 and CRP |
Insufficient beta cell
response to counter insulin resistance |
Low rate of autoimmune type
1 diabetes |
High rate of young-onset
type 2 diabetes |
High rate of childhood
obesity |
High rate of gestational
diabetes |
Higher triglycerides ,small
dense LDL and lower HDL levels |
Increased leptin and
decreased adiponectin |
Increase risk of
complications of diabetes |
Genetic factors:
South Asians, the Pro12Ala polymorphism of the peroxisome proliferator
activator g (PPARg) gene, which has a protective effect on T2DM
development in white populations, is present at the same frequency in South
Asians with and without diabetes and was not associated with a decreased risk
of T2DM. However, in a study on Asian Indian Sikhs they did see a protective
of the polymorphism, suggesting that there might be differences between
specific South Asian groups.
Insulin resistance:
Asians have higher fasting insulin concentrations compared with other ethnic
groups regardless of age, gender, or BMI, suggesting a higher rate of IR in
this population. Hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp studies performed
in men and women of all age groups and relatively normal BMI show lower insulin
sensitivity (up to almost 50%) in South Asians compared with different ethnic
Diet and exercise:
South Asian diet, characterized by high intake of carbohydrates, trans fats,
and saturated fats is associated with increased risk of development of T2DM.
White rice constitutes up to 60%
of the glycemic load and was found to be associated with an increased risk of
diabetes in Indian and chinese. Asians appear to have greater glycemic
excursion to white rice compared with other populations. Lack of exercise is
another risk factor for T2DM.
develop diabetes at a considerably lower BMI compared with Europeans. This is
mainly because of increased visceral adiposity in Asian populations. As a
result, in Asians, lower BMI cutoffs are being used to define obesity as well
as lower waist circumference for defining central obesity.
Criteria are a healthy body-mass index
of 18.0–22.9 kg/m2, an overweight body-mass index of
23.0–24.9 kg/m2, and obesity greater
than or equal to 25 kg/m2. The healthy waist circumference limits are 90 cm for
men and 80 cm for women.
Asians have a higher percentage of body fat for comparable levels of BMI
compared with White Caucasians and are therefore referred to as ‘metabolically
Asian neonates exhibit the ‘thin-fat phenotype’, described as low muscle mass
with preserved subscapular (central) fat. Modi et al. showed that
South Asian neonates have significantly
increased abdominal adiposity compared with
European babies. The ‘thin fat
is also apparent in prepubertal Indian children who have greater adiposity than
White UK children despite significantly lower BMIs.
South Asians have significantly increased subcutaneous adipocyte size.
Hypertrophic adipocytes are considered as dysfunctional and appear to be
associated with IR in non diabetic individuals independent of BMI and to be an
independent predictor for the development of T2DM.
South Asians have higher fasting levels of free fatty acids (FFAs) compared with
White Caucasians, even when adjusted for body fat content, and fail to
completely suppress plasma FFA concentration during hyperinsulinemia induced by
an OGTT. This suggests that in
South Asians, insulin is unable to sufficiently inhibit lipolysis, resulting in
an excess efflux of FFA, which may play a role in the development of T2DM.
Plasma leptin levels were increased in South Asians as compared
with White Caucasian subjects independent of overall or abdominal obesity. Leptin
levels were found to be correlated with SAT and not with VAT.
Asians exhibit lower levels of adiponectin compared with White Caucasians . Low
adiponectin levels were found to be an independent predictor for T2DM
development in South
Asians have higher levels of IL6, TNF
alpha, CRP compared with Caucasians.
adipose tissue and inflammation are likely to contribute to the South Asian
phenotype of increased IR and T2DM.23
Lower resting energy expenditure, non-shivering
thermogenesis, and BAT volumes in south Asian populations might underlie their
high susceptibility to metabolic disturbances, such as obesity and type 2
diabetes. Development of strategies to increase BAT volume and activity
might help prevent and treat such disorders, particularly in south Asian
Asians have less skeletal muscle mass and seem to have lower cardiorespiratory
reduced capacity for fat oxidation during submaximal exercise, all correlating
with their reduced whole-body insulin sensitivity, which is not reflected in
reduced expression of oxidative and lipid metabolism genes in the skeletal
diminished NO bioavailability in South Asians might thus be caused by both
endothelial and HDL-C dysfunction, and might be a factor in the increased incidence
of T2DM and cardiovascular diseases in this ethnic group.
utero environment plays an important role in modifying developmental trajectory
and physiology, thereby altering the risk of obesity, T2DM, and other chronic
diseases in adulthood. Nutritional deprivation in utero may predispose an
individual to T2DM in adult life. Early development issues and epigenetics may
play an important role in the contemporary burden of diabetes experienced in
The thrifty genotype and thrifty
phenotype hypotheses seem to apply to Asian populations.
the altered circulating miRNAs, miR-128 appeared
to be a ‘New Lead’ in Indians. It was positively correlated with cholesterol
both in prediabetic subjects and in diet-induced diabetic mice, suggesting that
its increased level might be associated with the development of dyslipedemia
associated with T2DM.
Complications of diabetes:
Multinational Study of Vascular Disease in Diabetes (WHO MSVDD) had suggested
comparatively high rates of albuminuria in Asian centers. In the WHO MSVDD, the
prevalence of cardiovascular complications was high in South Asians, but in
general was low in centers in China, Hong Kong, and Japan.
Asians and Chinese, are more likely to suffer from proteinuric diabetic renal
disease than from non proteinuric diabetic renal disease. A meta-analysis of
studies on the prevalence of diabetic retinopathy noted that South Asians had
the lowest prevalence . A lower prevalence of peripheral sensory neuropathy was
also reported in Asian patients in the Fremantle Diabetes Study (FDS) in
Australia compared with patients of European descent. Risk of peripheral vascular disease have noted
that South Asians are at lower risk of amputations than Europeans.
the Joint Asia Diabetes Evaluation (JADE) program, among 41,029 patients
recruited from across nine countries/regions in Asia, 18% had onset of T2DM
below the age of 40 , had longer disease duration, and had higher rates of
retinopathy and end-stage renal disease than those with onset of diabetes after
the age of 40.
Asia, while diabetes has been a ‘rich man’s disease’, it is becoming more of a
‘poor man’s disease’ as seen in more affluent societies due to a combination of
poverty, poor education, poor food quality, and high level of physical
inactivity. The lack of awareness and health literacy often result in high
rates of smoking, consumption of energy-dense food, poor sleep hygiene, and
sedentary time on the computer and television. These adverse lifestyle choices
can be further compounded by psychosocial stresses associated with rapid
acculturation. Additionally, chronic exposure to endemic low-grade infections
(e.g. hepatitis B infection) and environmental pollutants may result in
abnormal neurohormonal responses manifesting as obesity, metabolic syndrome,
and diabetes.
a public health perspective, reduction of poverty, social disparity and health
illiteracy through a multisectorial strategy
and using a life course approach such as maternal and child health,
vaccination programmes, nutritional policies, universal education and health
coverage, tobacco control, and city planning are needed to create a
health-enabling environment.
lifestyle modification and early drug therapy can be introduced in a timely
manner to prevent silent deterioration of disease with late presentation.
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