
How Does Diabetes Affect A Man Sexually?

Diabetes can have a significant impact on sexual function in men. The condition can lead to various issues, including:

Erectile Dysfunction (ED): Diabetes can damage blood vessels and nerves that are essential for normal erectile function. This can result in difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection, known as erectile dysfunction.

Reduced Libido: Diabetes can lower testosterone levels, which can lead to a decrease in libido or sexual desire.

Delayed Ejaculation: Some men with diabetes may experience delayed ejaculation, where it takes longer than usual to reach orgasm.

Retarded or Absent Ejaculation: In some cases, diabetes can cause a condition called retrograde ejaculation, where semen enters the bladder instead of being ejaculated out of the penis. This can lead to infertility issues.

Decreased Sensation: Nerve damage from diabetes can also lead to decreased sensation in the genitals, which can affect sexual pleasure.

Other Sexual Problems: Diabetes can also contribute to other sexual problems, such as genital infections, which can cause discomfort or pain during sex.

Managing diabetes through lifestyle changes, medication, and regular medical check-ups can help minimize the impact of the condition on sexual function. Consulting with healthcare providers, including endocrinologists or urologists, can help address these issues and find appropriate treatments.

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